The Fleas of Summer
While the temperate California climate means a year-round flea season, the rise in temperature during the summer months increases the problems these tiny insects create. These wingless parasites survive by feeding on the blood of host animals – most commonly in the wild. Using a remarkable behavior known as questing, they climb to a perch and wait for their next host to walk by so they can grab on and feast.
One flea can cause a widespread infestation once they hitch a ride on you or your pet. Adult fleas can bite their host up to 400 times per day and female fleas lay up to 50 eggs a day. These eggs can drop onto your floor and become a huge problem.
Fleas, like ticks, harbor disease and illness for both pets and their owners. They have been responsible for tapeworm infections, and severe infestations can cause anemia. This makes prevention a high priority.
There are many types of preventive measures one can take to keep your pets and house free of fleas. However, the California climate means one must be vigilant all year long. Without a winter of below-freezing temperatures to kill off the flea population, you are vulnerable to surprise infestations if your pets aren’t on a vet-prescribed medication.
Prescribed medication usually takes about 36 hours to take effect. Watch your pet closely for any adverse reaction and contact your vet immediately if you suspect it. Cats are more prone to these issues than dogs. Keeping your pet inside for a day a two after their first dose is helpful.
There are other forms of prevention to support the medication. You should comb or brush your pet regularly, watching carefully for flea dirt (little black specks found on the skin). Try to keep them away from heavily wooded areas, or piles of leaves and brush.
Keeping your household safe will take a little more work – and possibly professional cleaning help if it’s bad enough. Fleas are notoriously difficult to get rid of due to their ability to lay dormant for up to five months.
Carpet increases the difficulty of killing and preventing infestation. Keep your carpets, rugs, sofas and other fabric surfaces vacuumed daily – investing in a powerful cleaner or removing the carpet will cut down on the work involved. If you choose to use flea bombs, sprays or carpet powders, watch for any adverse reactions to the chemicals in your pet and family.
Wash your pets’ bedding in hot water weekly and give your pet weekly baths. When combing your pet, check the most vulnerable places for ticks as well as fleas: in and around the ears; around the tail; between the back legs; between the toes; under the front legs; under the collar, and around the eyelids.
Even the most vigilant pet owners can find that everything they’ve done just wasn’t enough. If these solutions don’t work after a few months, you might need to bring in a professional pest control service.
That may seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it to keep our furbabies healthy. But never stop watching for the enemy.
If you see your pet scratching or chewing around the tail area, examine it for raised red bumps and flea dirt. Excessive itching can lead to hair loss.
If you see your pet incessantly scratching and chewing, but there are no visible signs of an infestation, you may be dealing with a flea allergy that can be set off by just one or two bites.
Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is triggered by the saliva from the flea bite, which causes the immune system to overreact. The biggest problem these animals face is itchiness, which makes them prone to skin infections.
Unlike a flea infestation, which involves light scratching at the beginning, the symptoms of FAD are more pronounced. They can include restlessness or agitation, itchy skin inflammation, and later on, loss of fur and crusty or weeping patches of skin.
Make an appointment with your vet before trying any type of home remedy. Itchy, inflamed skin is a symptom of many skin diseases and requires a clear diagnosis.
Topanga Veterinary Clinic is more than just a clinic; it’s a part of the Chatsworth community. We take pride in our role in keeping the pets of our community healthy and happy.
We invite you to experience the compassionate, professional care that Topanga Veterinary Clinic offers. Let us be a part of your pet’s journey towards a healthy, happy life.