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If you’re a dog owner then you have undoubtedly witnessed your precious pup chewing on something that inspires you to think, “that can’t be good for her”. While dogs seem to have a pretty strong stomach and love to eat disgusting things (even the kibble and canned sludge smells pretty nasty), there are some food items that are more toxic than others. Here are some foods that are toxic to dogs.


It seems to be pretty common knowledge that dogs shouldn’t eat chocolate. What is more confusing is that not all chocolate is created equal and not all of it actually has enough cocoa in it to be harmful. Milk chocolate is lethal by 1 ounce per pound whereas bakers chocolate, containing the highest amount of cocoa, is lethal at .01 ounce per pound.

Chocolate contains theobromine which dogs cannot metabolize. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs are agitation, tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive panting and seizures. It’s important to get your dog treatment right away if you suspect he has ingested chocolate. Call your veterinarian right away, especially if the dog is elderly or very young.


Grapes contain tartaric acid and potassium bitartrate. These compounds cause kidney failure in dogs. No matter the age, weight, health or breed of the dog; grapes can be lethal. When a dog ingests grapes, they may foam at the mouth or even lose consciousness. It’s imperative to contact your veterinarian or bring your dog straight to an emergency veterinarian clinic if they are exhibiting signs of distress and you suspect that they have ingested a grape. If you are sure that the dog ingested a grape and you have the means; induce vomiting. Do not do this on your own if possible. A call to the vet will help you assess the situation. Do not induce vomiting if your dog is unconscious.

Onions, Garlic and Chives

Garlic has been recommended by holistic medicine to help dogs with certain medical issues like parasites, heartworm and even fleas. It is best NOT to mess around with garlic as it is toxic to dogs. Garlic contains disulfides and thiosulfates which are compounds that damage red blood cells in cats and dogs, causing anemia and other medical conditions.

Onions are also toxic to dogs and cats. Onions contain N-propyl disulphide which, like garlic, can cause anemia in dogs by breaking down the red blood cells. One whole onion could potentially kill a dog. Call your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has ingested garlic or onion.


Avocados are toxic to dogs because of persin, a fungicidal toxin. This can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even congestive heart failure in dogs. Avocados and other pit fruits are also hazardous because the pit can become lodged in the esophagus or intestines.  Peaches and plums are other pit fruits that are also toxic to our furry friends.

Alcohol and Caffeine

This may seem fairly obvious but you should not be giving your dog cocktails or a morning cappuccino. These aren’t exactly great for humans either and can do quite a bit of damage to a dog’s nervous system. Stimulants and depressants cause vomiting, diarrhea, agitation, thirst and listlessness in dogs. So, keep your pup out of the liquor cabinet and no espresso either!

Raw Meat and Fish

Some people think that since dogs are somehow related to wolves that they can eat raw meat. This is a fallacy. Raw meat and fish is almost as dangerous to dogs as it is to humans. Salmonella and listeria are bacteria which can cause significant illness in humans and in dogs. These bacteria bring severe digestive upset and even death in some situations.

Prevention Is Best

Most times, people aren’t being careless when their pet accidentally eats a toxic food. There are times when people had no idea that a food was toxic. Keep all human food where pets can’t get to it and have a garbage can lid that is secure. Ask your veterinarian for a complete list of toxic foods. If you think your dog has eaten a toxic food, call your veterinarian right away.