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Have you ever pet your furry friend and seen them wince or even yelp when you touch their ear? Unlike children, pets do not have such obvious symptoms of ear infection like crying, ear tugging and fever. In the summertime; swimming, heat and rolling in the grass can cause more ear issues than pets would usually get in the winter months. Here’s what to look for.

Feline Ear Conditions

Cats can show signs of ear infections by scratching, shaking their heads and even losing balance. Excessive face rubbing and rubbing the ears against objects or your own hands and legs may be a sign of trying to get their ears rubbed and itched.

Ear infections in cats can parallel the stages of a human ear infection. The infection can begin in the outer ear through too much moisture and some bacteria. It can then travel to the middle and inner ear if left untreated. Inner ear infections are dangerous and require immediate treatment.

Causes of Feline Ear Infections

Elderly cats and even some younger cats are prone to seborrheic secretions from oily glands that cause thick ear wax. The wax becomes a hotbed for bacteria and mites to flourish. Signs of mites are dark, crusty discharge or thick dark wax. In extreme cases, there may be black grit.

Ear mites are the most common cause of feline ear infections. They are like microscopic lice that are highly contagious.  The mites are spread from one animal to another. Cats that spend a lot of time outside or in boarding catch mites more often than solo, indoor-only cats. Cats which are infested with fleas tend to get mites as well.

Preventing Feline Ear Infections

Regularly inspecting your cat’s ears and regular veterinarian visits can help stop an ear infection with early treatment.  Antibiotics and antiparasitic medications can treat ear infections in felines. You can also avoid allowing your cat to get moisture in its ears and ensure your cat is flea free.

Avoiding Feline Ear Cancers and Growths

Cats can go deaf from an ear infection if it gets too advanced or is left untreated. This can affect their balance and quality of life. Feline Ear cancers and growths can also impair hearing and require surgery. If left untreated, these cancers and growths could spread to the brain. It’s important to have any visible growths on your cat’s ears assessed by a veterinarian.

You can avoid feline ear cancers by limiting your cat’s time sunbathing. As much as they love it, the sun exposure on their tender ears for 12 hours a day all summer and 8 in the winter can cause cancers. You can also avoid repeated inflammation of the ear by proper intervention and prevention of ear infections.

Canine Ear Disorders

Dogs have many of the same ear issues as cats. Too much wax, dark wax, itching and rubbing ears, yelping when ears are touched and excessive head shaking can all be signs of ear problems in dogs.

Ear Infections in Dogs

Dogs can have ear infections of different varieties.There are the traditional, bacterial ear infections which are common in dogs that swim often or are wet often. The moisture can become trapped, breeding bacteria and causing pain and inflammation.

Dogs also get yeast infections in their ears. Dogs with long and floppy ears may be prone to these infections because of the heat, dirt and moisture. These infections can cause stinky ears and waxy  build up.

Some dogs get ear infections caused by allergies. You will notice crusty, and puffy skin around the ear. There may be hair loss and toughening or scaling of the skin. An oily residue or dark ear wax may also be present.

Treating Canine Ear Infections

There are different treatments for different kinds of ear infections in dogs. This is why it is so important to intervene early and have a veterinarian diagnose what kind of ear issue your dog is having. A yeast infection will require different treatments than ear mites or skin allergies.

If your pet is suffering from ear issues, seek help from a veterinarian and avoid home remedies. An untreated ear infection or a mistreated ear infection can cause unnecessary pain and suffering for your pet.